Greifswald Museum Harbour

Gaff ketch and schooner, seaquat and ramship, cruiser and kragejolle - about 45 old ships characterise the image of the museum harbour in Greifswald, which was founded in 1991 following the example of the museum harbours in Flensburg and Hamburg. With this, the Hanseatic townspeople reacted to the increased interest in historic ships and traditional seamanship.

As part of the old city harbour, the museum harbour extends from the Steinbecker Bridge to the old grain silo and characterises the maritime flair of the Hanseatic city. The oldest ship that visitors can admire in the museum harbour is the Zeesboot "Pommerland" from 1880. lists all the ships moored here. 15 of them offer excursions and sailing trips. You can also sail on the annual gaff rigging.

By the way: The association Museumshafen Greifswald organises group tours through the museum harbour and the museum shipyard where old ships are restored on request.





Details at a glance

Museumshafen Greifswald

Hafenstraße 31
17489 Greifswald

Telephone: +49 (0)3834 512444
Fax: +49 (0)3834 512444